Diving Deeper into 5G's Layered Design




What in the world is the 5G protocol stack? Communication technologies are often discussed in terms of constructs called protocol stacks, which outline the distinct mechanisms working together to accomplish communication. 5G is no different! The 5G protocol stack is a complex monster – difficult to understand even for seasoned network engineers. Taking a step back to examine the good old Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model is an excellent way to further familiarize ourselves with protocol stacks as a concept and begin to understand the 5G protocol stack. Use this course to examine the OSI model and see how 5G fits into the picture. Then, use the OSI model to further appreciate some of the 5G protocol stack components and their purposes and operation.


Course Highlights

Review the OSI model, including its origins, history, and purpose.
Compare and contrast the OSI model with the TCP/IP protocol stack.
Describe how the OSI model is applied for wired communication.
Describe how the OSI model was applied for wireless communication before the advent of 5G.
Examine how the 5G protocol stack relates to the OSI model and how it extends its mechanisms of operation.
Compare the operation of the 5G protocol stack with its 4G counterpart.
Describe the operation of the 5G protocol stack at the physical layers.
Describe the operation of the 5G protocol stack within the four sublayers of its data link layer.
Describe the operation of the 5G protocol stack upper layers for both the user plane and the control plane.
Describe the operation of the 5G protocol stack at the application layer.


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